Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Best Laid Plans

As of this moment, I have no idea which direction this blog will go. Over the next few weeks, I will probably begin to explore what this blog truly is, or what it means to me. In later blogs, I intend to have a fairly regimented format; for now, however, I think it is safe to say that things will change from time to time.

This being my first blog, I will refrain from trying to get bogged down to conveying any type of philosophical meaning or trying to make you laugh. Instead, this is just a preliminary structure of my best laid plans for this blog. Without getting into any specifics, I will attempt to bring you my take on subjects such as television shows, baseball, music, all things retro, scientific studies, or news that I find interesting. In other blogs, I will present you with lists such as "Top 5 Underrated Hitters" or "10 reasons why David Caruso Sucks" that are for your entertainment purposes (as well as a way for you to interact). Some of these lists will be my own, while others may be posted from another site. As some of you may have noticed, many of my blog titles will have some kind of hidden meaning to them (Scrubs, episode 4-19). I will also be keeping a poll to gauge your reactions or ideas. These polls could include anything from your favorite type of cookie to what my next blog should be about. These polls may or may not have anything to do with my blog, but who cares?

As for what happens next, I haven't a clue...


  1. I think that would be a good direction for the blog

  2. "Instead of telling our young people to plan ahead, we should tell them to plan to be surprised." -- Dan Burns
