Thursday, February 26, 2009

NFL's Free Agent Watch: Quarterbacks

At exactly 12:00 am, Friday, the NFL Free agency period is upon us. The following is a list of notable free agents, followed by where I believe they may go. I will discuss based on position. the number in parentheses ( ) will indicate their overall rank on NFL's top 50 free agents list.


- Kurt Warner (3) - Though he is advancing in years, there is no doubt that there is still life in his arm. At this point he will either choose to sign with the Cardinals or retire. I predict that a deal will get done, and Warner will sign a two year deal for the Cardinals.

- Kerry Collins (12) - Just as old as Kurt Warner, almost as productive. Again, when considering his age, there are very few options for the veteran as far as starting positions go. Look for Collins to sign a one year deal with the Titans. Other options may include the Chiefs, Jets and 49'ers.

- Jeff Garcia (33) - Another journeyman quarterback who knows how to win, Jeff Garcia may have the hardest time finding a job. Like Warner and Collins, Garcia still believes that he can compete for a starting job. Unlike Warner and Collins, however, Garcia does not have any team ready to hand the aging veteran the starting job. It seems unlikely he will head to the 49'ers, Detroit, or to Philadelphia. My prediction, Garcia will sign a one year deal with either the Jets or Bears. Other options include a back-up role in Dallas, Washington, or St. Louis.

- Michael Vick (NA) - One year removed from the NFL and a heap of bad press will not be enough to keep GM's away from this gifted athlete. While many teams may consider signing Vick based on his athleticism, none will sign him to be an immediate starter. I believe he will receive a modest two year deal, where he expect to compete for the "Number 2" job. At this point, it apperars that Vick will sign with either the 49'ers or Detroit. Other teams that may take a chance on Vick include Oakland, Dallas, or Miami.

- Byron Leftwhich (51) - He is a positive influence in the locker room, and can show great leadership on the field, but don't expect Leftwhich to find a starting job this offseason. He will be signed to mentor young quarterbacks. Teams looking to aquire the oft-injured veteran should include Bucs or Cowboys. Other suitors may include the Redskins, Bears, or Denver. Expect a one year deal.

- Rex Grossman (NA) - Plauged with injuries early in his carear, things seemed to be looking up for Rex Grossman in the fall of 2006. Over the next few years, however, Grossman level of play would mimic that of a roller coaster. When he was hot, he was brilliant. When he was cold, he was a disaster. His arm strength and experience will be enough to give him the opportunity to compete for a starting job. Look for him to sign with the Jags, Giants, Colts, or Ravens as a backup. Other teams interested in him as a possible starter include the Jets, 49'ers, and Detroit.

Here Comes The...

Usually, most of my blogs will be of a critical or satirical nature. Today is different, as a member of our family was lost yesterday. Some people consider dogs to be a possession. Our family, however, does not. Though they can not speak, dogs are just as loyal and trustworthy as any friend could ever be. They do not judge; they do not hate. A dog doesn't care if your hair is messy, or if you have put on a couple of pounds. All a dog needs to be happy is the occasional treat or maybe a belly rub.

Yesterday afternoon, Our family was forced to put down our one-eyed Boston Terrier, Puggy. This is not the first time that our family has had to make this decision before, but this was different. For over ten years, this dog has been through more trials and tribulations than any dog should have to go through. She was born to be a show dog. Unfortunately, she was born with an under-bite that would prevent her from ever appearing as a show dog. The breeders decided to give her away. Fortunately, she would be discovered by my aunt, who would come to love and spoil this dog unlike any other dog I have ever seen.

With her bulging eyes and under-bite, she was destined to forgo a life filled with adventures and setbacks. Early in her life, she would be attacked by another dog while trying to defend her little sister, Sassy. This would leave her bloodied and in pain, as Puggy would need dozens of stitches to begin the healing process. This would begin her disdain for unfamiliar dogs, and yes, she would try to hump some of them to establish dominance.

Years later, she would fall off of our porch. For this injury, she would need a metal rod placed in her leg. She would never walk the same way again. From now on, she would be forced to walk around with a limp. This would be the last time she could sprint across the yard. This would not detract her, however, as she would learn to adapt and adjust. Instead of sprinting (she could still trot), she would learn to play tug-of-war with her toys. For hours on end, she would keep her toy in her mouth, waiting for a suitor to play with her. She would even fall asleep with the toy in her mouth at times. She would relish the feeling of a challenge, and would often refuse to let go of her toy even after she had been lifted completely into the air.

There would be another tragedy that would befall Puggy in the next few years, as her cataracts condition that would leave her with little to no sight in both eyes. On top of that, her tear ducts would begin to stop producing tears. After about a year or so, her right eye would have to be removed. Considering the fact that Puggy is the only dog that I have ever known that could actually watch television, this would be a cruel punishment. She used to love to watch television. Especially the ones with cows or dogs.

Still, she would not give up. Again, she would learn to adapt. As her sight began to diminish, she began to find other ways to entertain herself. Basketball became her new passion, as it was large enough for her to find. After trying to bite the basketball, she would decide to jump on top of the basketball and roll it across the yard. I would have to say, this might be the thing that I will miss the most about this dog.

As the years wore on, she remained in pretty good health. She did have to have surgery on her colon, but she definitely looked cute while wearing a cone on her head and drugged up on painkillers. That was nothing. She learned to adapt with her disabilities. No, she could not see, but her hearing and sense of smell began to improve quite drastically.

For the next two years or so, she lived a happy life. Sure, she needed help to find food, but that did not curb her appetite. If she thought that you might play with her, she would place her toy on your shoe until you had played with her, or until she had fallen asleep. She was so full of energy, so full of life.

Nine months ago, however, things changed. About two weeks after my college graduation, Puggy suffered a slight seizure. About three days later, it happened again. This time, Puggy was rushed to the hospital. The doctors said that there had been a tear in hear heart. Blood had been pouring out of her heart, and had begun to fill her chest cavities. This had begun to cut off circulation of oxygen to her lungs as well as put pressure on her heart. The doctors were forced to perform an emergency procedure. The doctor said that there was only a fifty percent chance that Puggy would live through the night. Luckily, she would make it through the night. The next few days would be filled with a series of tests. This would determine the cause of the injury.

Before the week was over, however, it was confirmed. It was cancer...

My family was told that Puggy had less than one month to live. The options were discussed. Finally, my aunt decided that she had to try anything and everything to save her dog. The only thing that could save her would be to pursue an aggressive chemo regiment. The next few months would be filled with bi-weekly trips to the vet. The hospital became her second home. She began to lose weight rapidly, but her spirits remained upbeat and cheerful. She would still attempt to play, and would never pass up the opportunity to lay in the sun. Her outlook became better as well. The doctors now predicted that Puggy could survive for six to eight months.

After the chemo was finished, my aunt decided to spoil Puggy for her final months on this earth.

She made it through her birthday... to celebrate, we let her eat all of the cake she wanted. She made a mess.

She made it through Thanksgiving... To celebrate, we filmed her eating corn on the cob. She made a bigger mess.

She made it through Christmas... She was showered with presents, with pictures, with love. Yes, she made a mess.

She made it through the New Year...

She made it through my birthday...

She even made it through Valentine's Day...

[For those of you who do not wish to hear the rest, please move on to the final paragraph.]

A few days ago, however, she could no longer summon the strength to go on. Her heart was failing and her kidneys were shutting down. It was time for her to go. My aunt, who had spent more money on this dog than I had spent on my entire college education, had to make the hardest decision of her life.

The doctor was nice enough to travel to my grandparents house during his lunch break; it was better that way. Puggy never liked the hospital. Hell, who does? At least she could enjoy her final moments in her house, surrounded by her family. As we waited for the doctor to arrive, the final hour was a mixture of emotions. Though the pain and heartache was palpable in the room, there was also laughter. In between the sobs, our family shared our favorite memories of Puggy, as well as what we would miss most about her.

Just as my mother was talking about Krystal, my family's dog, the noise chip in her old toy began to go off. This was weird, because no one was in the room when the toy began to go off. This is not the first time that Krystal's presence has been felt. In fact, Chris has even seen Krystal twice after her passing. At that moment, however, I would like to think that Krystal was watching over her. I would like to think that Krystal was showing her which way to go.

The next few moments will stick with me forever. Puggy had been pretty lethargic the entire day. She would not eat, drink, or even go to the bathroom. Also, though she was not struggling for air, she was breathing heavily. As the doctor arrived, however, she summoned the strength to rise up and bark like she had in the previous years. It was reminiscent of a lion's last roar, yet it is a moment that I can not fully describe.

When the time finally came, it was peaceful. It was over in a second. There was no struggle; no last gasp of air. We each had our turn to give her one last kiss goodbye. It didn't even take a second for the medicine to take effect. In her final moments on earth, Puggy was resting comfortably in the arms of my Aunt. She was wrapped up in one of her favorite blankets, surrounded by her family. As I watched it all unfold, it was quiet. She was at peace now... I wish we could all go so peacefully. Time seemed to stand still as the realization sunk in. We thanked the doctor and began to throw away everything that reminded us of her battle with cancer. All of the medicine was donated, all of the charts were thrown away.

She carried herself as if she were royalty. In a way, she really was above the normal dog. She had been given a bad break in this world, yes. There was never a dog, however, that ever lived so happily. Yes, she was spoiled; she ate like a queen. For a dog who lived such an extraordinary life, it seems only fitting that she would pass on Fat Tuesday. Yes, she was expensive; but she was worth every penny. At this very moment, I would like to think that she has just had her fill of cake, and is lying in the warm sunshine, waiting for someone to rub her belly. There are many dogs that live in this world, but this one was different...

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Road To Nowhere

As most of you know, because of my job, I am often on the road for dozens of hours per week. This week was a little more stressful than the others, due to the fact that my car decided to punish me. On Sunday/Monday, my radiator hose decided to tear, leaving me stranded for the better part of a day. Then, on Saturday/Sunday, my car decided to screw me over again. This time, my tire would pick up a stranded nail, forcing me to put a patch in my tire. This may or may not have overdrawn my account. Yay! These two events left me going nowhere for more than one day. Durning this time, however, I was able to listen to a lot of music. Here is this week's playlist.

1. I Don't Like Mondays - Keren Deberg
2. You Don't Know Me - Regina Spektor and Ben Folds
3. Mother We Just Can't Get Enough - New Radicals
4. Everybody Hates Me - The Crash Moderns
5. How Come - Ray LaMontagne

And My "Why The F*@K Not!" choice is...
6. I Wanna Dance With Somebody/How Will I Know - Eric Hutchinson

1. Mondays suck... It doesn't hurt that the song is catchy.
2. Great riff - I can't get this song out of my head, and I love it!
3. Funny enough, they are showing the Scrubs episode with this song right now...
4. Every song on this playlist has been really catchy... must calm me down.
5. I did wonder "How Come" over and over again as the mechanics looked over my car.
6. How will I know, if he's (Obama) thinking of me... I say a prayer with every heartbeat!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Do you remember when: The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.

The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. was an adventure/comedy western series that ran on Fox from the fall of 1993 to the summer of 1994. It followed the adventures of Brisco County, Jr., the ex-lawyer turned bounty hunter, as he attempted to hunt down and capture the thirteen bandits who murdered his father. Brisco, played by Bruce Campbell (link), would often find himself in classic deathtrap almost every episode. He would be able to get out of any jam, however, thanks to his wit, charm, and the use of a mysterious orb.

Though he was on a mission to track down the men who murdered his father, he would often be accompanied by a plethora of side characters. His closest ally could often be seen wearing a large trench coat and sawed off shotgun (link). Lord Bowler was a former foe of Brisco, but eventually became his partner and friend. Another integral part of Brisco's group was his horse Comet. Part of the tongue-in-cheek humor from this show often occurred in Brisco's conversations with his horse, who he seemed to understand. The final part of Brisco's posse was that of his lawyer/friend, Socrates. He was kind of the token nerdy guy, but he did bring something to the table. He was often a catalyst for the humor could take place.

For anyone who has not seen this gem, I advise you to find it, watch it, and enjoy it. To me, the series is very reminiscent of Fox's Firefly. It is the perfect blend of action, comedy, drama, sci-fi, adventure, and is a perfect homage to the 1960's western genre.

Fun Facts:
Brisco County Sr. was played by R. Lee Ermey (Link).
Though the show only lasted for one year, the theme music can often be heard on NBC during the olymics and other NBC sporting events.
The holster used by Brisco would later be used for the Fox series, Firefly.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

T.V. Squad's - Top 10 Bromances on T.V. right now

Again... the parts in italics are not mine.

Bromances have been around, well, forever really, but you'd never use the term for say, Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte (48 Hours) or Paul Newman and Robert Redford (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid). That just wouldn't be right! And besides that, when do "buddies" turn into "bromantic pals"? Would love to hear your thoughts on that.

At any rate, "bromance" is part of our language now, and it's even the title of an MTV show starring Brody Jenner and his buds.

I'm not ashamed to say I have girl-crushes on a few TV babes (True Blood's Sookie Stackhouse springs to mind), so it's not unfeasible for a guy to have a man-crush on another guy. I don't know if that's true for all these pairings, but since I'm writing this, we'll say it is. Take a look at my top ten bromances on TV right now:

10. Jack Bauer and Tony Almada - 24

9. Hiro and Ando - Heroes

8. House and Wilson - House

7. Tim Riggins and Jason Street - Friday Night Lights

6. Vince and Eric - Entourage

5. Ted and Marshall - How I Met Your Mother

4. J.D. and Turk - Scrubs

3. Provenza and Flynn - The Closer

2. Hank Hill and Dale Gribble - King of the Hill

1. Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell - American Idol

There you have the list. Now, it is time for my thoughts.... J.D. AND TURK AT NUMBER 4!!!!!! WHY!!!!! Also, who are these Closer guys. The show should not be on the list. Who gives a crap about those two. Actually, 10 through 4 are pretty accurate. I watch most of those shows and though I am not too sure that Ted and Marshall should be as high as number five on the list, they should definitely be there. I am actually okay with the first pick... that is pretty obvious. The only problem with this is the fact that gay sex should exclude you from the list of bromance. Tony and Jack should be much higher on the list as they are so close that they probably sleep in the same bed every night.

Here is how my list would have gone...

Honorable Mention:
Lenny and Carl - The Simpsons
Fry and Bender - Futurama
Mason and Conner - Trust Me
Charlie and Frank - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

The List:
10. House and Wilson - House
9. Ted and Marshall - How I Met Your Mother
8. Mike and Sam - Burn Notice
7. Mike, Kenny, Bobby, and Brendo - My Boys
6. Hiro and Ando - Heroes
5. Shawn and Gus - Psych
4. Drama and Turtle - Entourage
3. Jack and Tony - 24
2. Stewie and Brian - Family Guy
1. Turk and J.D.

HM1: Lenny and Carl are a classic pair, but there are way too many choices that I can not pass up
HM2: The fact that they are no longer television characters, but movie characters is the only reason they are not on the list
HM3: A Bromance for the ages... assuming the show can survive beyond the first season
HM4: I it wasn't for the fact that they are father and son (Technically), they would have been very high on this list.

10: A classic odd couple type friendship. They love to annoy the crap out of each other, but are always there for each other.
9: They are such close friends. They have been through so much, including the first time Marshall had sex. I mean, he gave him his Walkman... That's gotta count for something.
8: They have willingly and consistantly risked their lives for each other on multiple occasions. They trust each other completely, and there is always plenty of beer in the mix.
7: Such dynamic pairs, with a constant changing and re-aligning of alliances and mini-bromances. This group is teetering on the verge of Cheers greatness.
6: Hiro is much more into the bromance than Ando, which kind of gives this bromance a masculine and feminine type quality. There is no questioning, however, how far they will go to protect one another.
5: With a basket full of 80's references and a lifetime of memories, these detectives are a sure thing when it comes to bringing the bromance. No matter how much Shawn annoys Gus, the Magic Head will always be there for him.
3: With all of the whisper talking between these two, you might suspect that they have been doing more than saving the world from a terrorist threat for the past 24 hours...
2: These two, though the only cartoon characters on the list, are pushing the limits of bromance with each passing episode. From their trips across the world, their musical prowess, or their trivial arguments over "cool hwhip", there is little questioning their bromantic feelings for one another.
1: The very definition of what a bromance is supposed to be. There is no question that they are in a class above the rest. They are the Babe Ruth of Bromance.

And there you have my list. Who would you have put on the list.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I Don't Like Mondays

Man, I hate Mondays.

Let me start this article by stating that the events that transpired this weekend were very frustrating. Moving on... This Friday was my first official weekend as the Banquet Supervisor for Valley Hospital (or so I thought). It turned out that the top management has decided that there is no logical reason to train their employees before opening up another property. The fact that I am not yet listed as my hired job title left me somewhat perturbed. Overlooking the metaphorical slap in the face, I was determined to start this path on the right foot by arriving to work early.

Unfortunately, by deciding to leave an hour early, I would arrive an hour late. As fate would have it, however, there would be an accident on I-285. This accident would shut down each and every lane. If I had decided to leave an hour later, there would have been no problem; at worst, I would be a few minutes late. Unfortunately, I decided to take the path less taken. I decided to take I-75. It would be a disastrous decision. Damn you Robert Frost...

As soon as I got off of the ramp, I hit another wall of traffic. Why did I decide to take that path? The next three hours would be a mixture of anger and joy. Though I was livid about the fact that I would definitely be late, I could not help but laugh at the irony of it all. By leaving early, I would arrive late.

The next two days were of little consequence: I did miss the opportunity to go on a cruise for only fifty dollars, but I did secure a new place to live (it seems).

Part two of this saga would start on a Sunday. It would continue on a Monday. I don't like Mondays. As I finished my shift on Saturday, my boss asked me if I would tend bar for a wedding that would take place the next day. The wedding was scheduled to take place at 1:30. The bar was scheduled to open around 3:00. Without our knowledge, the wedding party decided to move the wedding to 4:30. Really?!

Even though the wedding was pushed back, I wasn't too upset. Yes, it did mean that I would get out of work much later than I had anticipated, but it seems rather callous to hold a grudge during a wedding. Anyway, the wedding was actually very sweet. It was a tiny wedding, but there was a guy who looked like Kat Williams, so it wasn't all bad. After the party died down (about five minutes after the drinks were no longer free), I was allowed to leave early.

A few days earlier, Andre "The Drizzle" Lecour had turned 23, so I had agreed to visit him in Tyrone, Ga. About twenty minutes from his house, BAM!!!!, a wall of traffic. Somewhere in the next twenty minutes, I was able to move about 3/4 of a mile and visit the house of Kevin Work. After engaging in a little small talk with his parents, I was back on the road; back to the traffic. The next hour of my life can not exactly be put into words (Just know that if it was, about 90% of the vocabulary would be bleeped out. It was bad).

Little did I know, however, that something much more sinister was occurring underneath the hood of my car...

Flash forward to Monday morning. After having a nice breakfast with "The Drizzle",it was time for me to go. I had planned on meeting up with my girlfriend for lunch (Sorry, Kevin). That would not be the case, however, as a torn radiator hose would soon become my arch nemesis. About five miles from the airport, I notice that my temperature gauge is reaching the H level pretty quickly. I soon become alarmed, and pull off of the highway. After finding a gas station, I realize the gravity of the situation. The outlook is grim. I check the engine, discover that there is no coolant in the engine, and rush to buy a gallon of water. After filling the reservoir with the water, and allowing the engine to cool, I finally discover the source of the problem. I rush back into the gas station to purchase duct tape, only to purchase an additional bag of Cheetos and Doritos.

While I was searching for the duct tape, there had been a lady who decided that two bags of chips was not enough. Delicious though they may be, she decided to leave them on the counter as she stared at her other possible options. After waiting for about two minutes for her to make her decision, I decided to pull up to the register and complete my transaction.

"That will be $5.11, sir." said the man. I was quite shocked, but I didn't care. As I was walking out of the store, he asked me if I needed a bag for the chips. I was confused. After explaining to the man that the chips were not mine, I asked the man to void the purchase. Within the next ten seconds, about six people would step in line, the lady had yet to choose her final item, and I was about to explode when the cashier said that he did not know how to void the receipt. I informed the lady that the chips were on me and walked out. I actually held together, more or less, and proceeded to drive back to Andre's house. The duct tape held together pretty well, and I may have been able to make it back to my house. Instead, I decided to try and replace the hose today.

Big mistake! Andre and I waited at the auto shop for over two hours, only to find out that the auto shop could not get the part I needed for at least two or three days. I decided to leave, and take my chances in Gwinnett. I have to re-apply the duct tape on my way out. Putting the duct tape on again proved to be more difficult the second time around, and the tape is not nearly as effective. Eventually, I have to make the choice. Risk breaking down on my way home (in rush hour traffic), or try to fix it myself.

After a few phone calls, and a lot of help from Andre's father, we buy the part ourselves. With a little bit of work, our work is done. Finally, the relief sets in, and I begin to think about how lucky I actually was.

If I had not decided to visit Andre and celebrate his birthday. My car probably would have broken down somewhere along I-285. If I had broken down in the middle of the night, there would have very little I could do. If I hadn't stopped by Kevin's house, and talked to his parents, my car could have overheated on my way to Andre's house. While the traffic did irritate me, it did prevent me from accelerating the car, which could have overheated the car. While this was still a very shitty day, it could have been much worse. In a way, even though it may seem chiche', I feel as though God was looking out for me.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Tuscaloosa Heart

Because most of my shifts take place during the weekend. I have decided that most of my Friday/Saterday blogs will be devoted to songs that I have been listening to on my iPod this week (And yes, Chris did introduce me to most of the music on my playlist. There!!!! Are you happy now?). Most of the time, I will try to keep the list to only 5 songs (I will sometimes throw in a few more. I will also include a "joke" song if I can). Some of the time, I will try to have a particular theme; other times, I won't. So without boaring you any longer, this weeks theme is...

Valentine's Day Playlist

1. Everything - Michael Buble
2. Realize - Colbie Caillat
3. I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
4. Have a Little Faith - John Hiatt
5. How Lucky We Are - Meiko
6. Gotta Have You - The Weepies

And my "Why the F*@K Not!" choice is...
7. Code Monkey - Jonathan Coulton

1. Perfect song to say what "she" means to you.
2. Liked her other song, but this is a refreshing song right now.
3. Loved this song for a while. Kind of "our song" type song.
4. The ballad of the group. Very powerfull and heartfelt.
5. Simple and sweet. It is a cute, yet realistic look at love.
6. Very Soothing to listen to. The perfect rainy day song.
7. Believe it or not, this is actually a really sweet love song.

Now... What songs would you have on the list?
(Please try to limit it to just a small number of songs)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Best Laid Plans

As of this moment, I have no idea which direction this blog will go. Over the next few weeks, I will probably begin to explore what this blog truly is, or what it means to me. In later blogs, I intend to have a fairly regimented format; for now, however, I think it is safe to say that things will change from time to time.

This being my first blog, I will refrain from trying to get bogged down to conveying any type of philosophical meaning or trying to make you laugh. Instead, this is just a preliminary structure of my best laid plans for this blog. Without getting into any specifics, I will attempt to bring you my take on subjects such as television shows, baseball, music, all things retro, scientific studies, or news that I find interesting. In other blogs, I will present you with lists such as "Top 5 Underrated Hitters" or "10 reasons why David Caruso Sucks" that are for your entertainment purposes (as well as a way for you to interact). Some of these lists will be my own, while others may be posted from another site. As some of you may have noticed, many of my blog titles will have some kind of hidden meaning to them (Scrubs, episode 4-19). I will also be keeping a poll to gauge your reactions or ideas. These polls could include anything from your favorite type of cookie to what my next blog should be about. These polls may or may not have anything to do with my blog, but who cares?

As for what happens next, I haven't a clue...

Wanted: Murder Suspect... Rodney Stanger?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Blog


First blog... nothing to say. Just throwing it out there.